Lights Out Slate Calls produce chattering purrs and natural clucks that may be all you need to run to get a bird’s attention. The cuts are crisp and expressive. The yelps will have a consistent break-over. Pitch and tone can be varied by wood choice and striker choice. Condition this surface with green Scotchbrite.
Domestic Woods $50
Exotic Woods and Figured Domestics $55
Highly Figured Walnut $55
Grain varies in character and color from call to call. Supplier has sorted this walnut as equivalent to high grade gunstock material.
Colored Slate (Red, Green, Purple) $65
Colored Slate is harder than black slate and produces a higher pitch and brighter tone with AMAZING RASP
Prices include a solid wood striker paired to your individual call.
Additional strikers are available at an additional cost.
Shipping for up to 2 calls is $9 via USPS Priority Mail.