Lights Out Deer Grunt Calls are a departure from the calls with the plastic accordion tubes and utilize an American made aluminum reed body that allows you to adjust the pitch and tone of the call to your needs. With the black o-ring slid to the bottom of the aluminum reed body, you get deep guttural hog grunts. Slide the black o-ring up about one-third of the length of the reed body and you get low buck grunts. Slide about another half of the way up for doe bleats. Slide the black o-ring to just below the rivet at the top of the reed to produce fawn distress bawls. The call incorporates an integral paracord lanyard to keep the call “at the ready” at all times. The call can be held with one hand around the lower end of the call and drawn up against your chest to form a “sound chamber” to manipulate the tone of the call without the unsightly presence of a plastic accordion (polka optional).

Like all Lights Out calls, these grunt calls are turned one at a time. The calls are made of three separate pieces of wood, each turned by hand and assembled. The upper portion of the call is secured in place with two rubber o-rings. If the fit feels too tight, a small amount of chapstick or petroleum jelly can be rubbed on the orange o-rings as a lubricant to allow easier removal of the top portion of the call.
Domestic Wood Calls $60
Figured Domestic and Exotic Woods $70+
Shipping for up to 2 calls is $8 via USPS Priority Mail.
Contact me via the HOW TO ORDER page for wood availability.

The deer pictured above was taken using the prototype grunt call I built in September of 2018. After four short doe bleats from my grunt call, the buck walked in at 25 yards with his head down feeding on acorns. LIGHTS OUT!!!